Are you tired of expensive gym memberships, crowded weight rooms, and the perpetual quest for the perfect piece of equipment? Well, what if I told you the perfect gym is actually… you? Yes, you heard it right! Welcome to the world of bodyweight training, a workout regimen that uses your own weight as resistance.

 Training With Own Weight

The Rise of Bodyweight Exercises

Before we dive into the meat and potatoes of the subject, let’s take a brief stroll down memory lane. Bodyweight exercises are as old as civilization itself, dating back to the times when soldiers used such methods for training. Today, exercises with own weight have not only been embraced by athletes but also by average Joes and Janes looking to get in shape. Why? Because it’s simple, effective, and can be done anywhere.

Benefits of Training with Your Own Weight

Let’s talk about what makes bodyweight exercises so irresistible:

  • Cost-Effective: You don’t need to invest in anything other than a good pair of shoes.
  • Adaptable: Easily modified to suit your fitness level.
  • Functional Fitness: You build strength in a way that’s useful for everyday activities.
  • Convenience: No excuses—you can do these exercises in your living room!
  • Low Impact: Ideal for people with joint issues.

Detailed Guide to Exercises with own weight for Each Body Part

When we say “bodyweight training,” what springs to mind? Push-ups? Pull-ups? You’re on the right track, but there’s so much more.

Upper Body:

  • Push-Ups: The quintessential upper-body workout that targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps. You can do classic push-ups, diamond push-ups, or even one-handed push-ups to vary the intensity.
  • Tricep Dips: Find a bench or a low table, and you’ve got yourself a tricep workout. This exercise hones in on your triceps and also engages your core.
  • Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups: If you have a pull-up bar, you can work on your lats, biceps, and shoulders. The difference between the two? Pull-ups work more on your back, while chin-ups work your biceps more.


  • Planks: Classic and side planks can strengthen your entire core. Aim for at least 30 seconds initially and then increase the duration as you get stronger.
  • Russian Twists: Sit on the ground, lean back, lift your feet, and twist from side to side. This move is a killer for your obliques.
  • Mountain Climbers: These get your heart rate up and also focus on your core.

Lower Body:

  • Squats: The king of lower body exercises. Squats primarily target your quads but also work your hamstrings and glutes.
  • Lunges: Front lunges, back lunges, side lunges—pick your poison. They all target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.
  • Calf Raises: Stand on a raised surface with your heels hanging off and push up onto your toes. A simple, effective move for your calves.


  • Burpees: A full-body explosive move that combines a push-up, jump, and squat. Excellent for cardiovascular fitness and strength.
  • Jumping Jacks: Another good cardio exercise that also works various muscle groups.
  • Tuck Jumps: These are high-intensity moves that work your legs and core and help improve your explosive power.

 Training With Own Weight

Creating Your Training Program

Starting with bodyweight exercises? Here’s a simple yet effective program for beginners:

Weeks 1-2: The Foundation

  • Push-Ups: 2 sets of 10
  • Squats: 2 sets of 15
  • Planks: 2 sets of 30 seconds

Weeks 3-4: Adding Complexity

  • Introduce lunges, tricep dips, and Russian twists.

Weeks 5+: The Sky’s the Limit

  • Gradually introduce advanced exercises like one-handed push-ups and pistol squats.

Remember, it’s crucial to keep track of your progress and adjust your program accordingly.

How Much Time Do You Need for a Good Workout? –

The burning question: how long should you actually spend working out? Well, the general guidelines state a moderate 150 minutes per week for basic health maintenance, concentrated 15–60-minute sessions for muscle growth, and consistent, daily moderate activity (like walking) for weight loss, complemented by a balanced diet.

Version One: Staying Healthy and Fit

Most authoritative sources agree that adults should aim for 150–300 minutes of moderate exercise per week. This could include brisk walking, cycling, or other exercises that allow you to hold a conversation without gasping for air.

As an alternative, you can opt for 75–150 minutes of high-intensity training each week. These are activities such as running, swimming, jump roping, or dancing. Here are some benefits of engaging in such high-intensity workouts:

  • Promotes Heart Health: These exercises can help maintain a healthy heart.
  • Lowers Risk of Serious Illnesses: Such as diabetes.
  • Improves Brain Function and Mood: Exercise releases endorphins, the “happy hormone.”
  • Strengthens Bone Health: High-impact activities can increase bone density.

If you’re interested in further reading, check out this guide from the American Association of Cardiologists.

In addition to aerobic exercises, it’s also recommended to engage in strength training a couple of times a week. These workouts with own weight speed up metabolism, reduce fat, slow down muscle loss, and protect against some of the leading causes of early death and disability.

Short on Time? Here’s a Solution

For those who can’t spend hours in the gym, consider shorter workouts with own weight. Typically, these are high-intensity circuit training sessions that focus on whole-body exercises using your own body weight. When correctly designed, these programs can be sufficient for weight loss and increasing stamina.

By incorporating a blend of both aerobic and strength training exercises into your weekly routine, you can hit those recommended numbers. And the best part? You can adjust these numbers based on your individual goals and fitness level. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, maintain it, or gain muscle, bodyweight training programs offer the flexibility and efficiency to help you reach your objectives.

Version Two: Building Strength and Muscle Mass

If your goal is to gain strength and muscle mass, then strength training should be your main focus. And you don’t need a fancy gym membership to get started. Whether it’s bodyweight exercises, barbells, dumbbells, or machines, all you need is consistent, targeted effort.

Initially, lifting your own weight may be challenging, but over time you’ll find it gets easier. This adaptation is your cue to gradually intensify your training. Whether it’s increasing the weight, duration, or intensity, scaling up is essential for muscle growth.

It’s crucial to remember that the hallmark of an effective strength-training session isn’t the number of reps, but rather the point of muscle failure. This is the juncture where growth and adaptation occur.

Frequency Matters

Experts recommend 2-3 strength training sessions per week for optimal results. If you’re looking to merely maintain your current strength and muscle mass, once a week is sufficient. And for middle-aged to older adults, it’s advised to stick to no more than two sessions a week, with 2–3 sets per session.

Key Takeaways:

  • Adapt your workouts as your body gets accustomed to them.
  • If you’re limited on time, up the weights and intensity.
  • Achieving muscle failure is more crucial than the number of reps.
  • Train 2-3 days a week for growth, and once a week for maintenance.
  • Older adults should aim for two sessions a week with fewer sets.


There’s a reason why bodyweight training has stood the test of time – it works. It’s simple, versatile, and incredibly effective for people of all fitness levels. So, no more excuses. Whether you have hours a week to commit or only a few minutes, consistency is key. Get started today and let your progress be your motivation for tomorrow. And there you have it – a comprehensive guide that covers how to train every part of your body with nothing but your own weight.

Further Reading:

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